We cannot Stop Death
We cannot startle Death.
Shake up Death
Cause Death to lose his spectral footing.
No, we cannot do this by talking to Death sweetly,
By gently imploring,
O death
O death,
Please go away.
Come back another day.
This is not how it works in this world
Where everything must end,
Where everyone, must one day, die.
I know this now.
O Death,
I had so much to live for
In this one precious one life we are each given,
And I WAS living
Living to the fullest –
I had my friends
I had my work
I had my dog
I had my daughter,
My home
My family,
A new love,
You know I had my paddling, my painting,
My bicycle,
All the women,
As Alix Dobkin sang,
The women in my life.
And I was still young,
Relatively speaking,
Even though the older we get the younger it all seems.
I had a litany of reasons to remain.
I had so many plans.
I was holding on for dear life
Dear life
Deer life
Life as swift as the doe, my greyhound, Tansy, looked so much like.
My litanies
Have become a progression
Here today,
Of women
Remembering me,
Re-membering me
As you toss stones, into the river,
Underneath and behind us all
Flows this river
We must all one day join.
The river of life.
Below the trees.
Trees of life.
Yes, you have buried me,
Next to my mother,
Who I loved so,
On Long Island,
In the deep dark cold soil,
In a pine coffin, with holes in the bottom,
A rabbi reciting above my stilled body
My brother telling the world what I meant to him (everything)
My beautiful daughter, having lost me,
My father, how did he get so old?
Held up by his two remaining children
And their children
Struggling to comprehend,
“First my wife”, he said, “a year ago, now my daughter”.
But I’m not there in the ground,
My flesh rotting off my bones,
I’ve flown
Flown away,
And flying,
Finally, resting now
On the wings of love.
Once it was over, I knew I must fly,
Fly fly away,
And so I did,
I flew alone until,
Like a hummingbird on the wings of a goose in autumn flying south,
I snuggled in.
I’ve stopped fighting,
I’m resting on the winds of destiny
On the wings of
My love, your love, our love.
And I’m singing back to you all
All of you singing to me,
© Susan Lynn Gesmer, October 2021