For desert tonight
Have a memory
A poem a day
To keep the doctor away.
We’re both older now
And I wonder
Do you still remember me?
Did those soft warm years
That we shared
Touch you?
Paddling back and forth,
Forth and back,
To the pantry, to the
Big oak table, through
The musty halls of comfort.
I loved you, I love you so, as a girl
I’d almost forgotten
How close we were
I remembered membered remembered last night
As a woman
Many years after
Time turned bad and sour in the family
And our love ceased to be sweet.
The memory is vague
There are so many cobwebs to be lifted
And to think of how you are these days
Brings me futility and pain.
Last time I saw you I could hardly see
Through the tears in your eyes
I choose to feel instead another life far away.
A life that would have comforted
And nurtured you also
As it does your grand-daughter
If you’d only had the choice.
It’s too late now, it’s too late, your old
And wrinkled and they give
You drugs to destroy you
In your wisdom and beauty
In our moment of strength
They tie you down
To the chair we once
Played on together.
Your thoughts are scattered
And recently you’ve taken on the habit
Of suddenly screaming
“Oh God oh God oh God”.
The others turn away from you
I try to talk with you
To dull your pain and fear
I try to piece together your words
Each coming from a different decade of your life.
It almost seems
You were purposely leading me on
Giving me clues.
I’m alone tonight
As you are grand-ma
And I miss you more
Than you will ever know
You are my roots
You shared my struggles
To grow as I share yours now,
To die.
For desert tonight
Have a memory
A poem a day
To keep the doctor away.
A Poem A Day To Keep The Doctor Away
©Susan Lynn Gesmer, 1979-1980, Keene, NH
If our grandmothers had had a choice…….
I have fantasized about other paths my grandmother may have “chosen.”
“Choice” was not in her lexicon. Her life map was plotted all along. And I am here to testify for choice, in her honor; my choices enabled by her service.
Now my own daughter treads a path that has been mapped by lenders. Her choice to further her education has led to no choice.
May her roots nourish her as her great-Nonna encourages her from beyond.
Beautifully written, Diana. Although not at all good news.
Even though the system is constricting and defining your daughter, removing choices and limiting options; yes, it is a sure thing that her roots will nourish her and she will continue becoming the beautiful thriving unfolding emerging woman she has aways been and will always be.