For the seabirds
Of Spectacle Island, I watch
Fear come
With a shadow —
Seven foot wingspan,
White head, hooked yellow beak,
And 6-inch talons.
For us
On earth’s larger island
Fear haunts in many guises
Endlessly reinventing itself
For each of us
In the shadow of
Something long forgotten,
Imprinted in our genes, cautioned by our mother,
Remembered from
A story we once heard about what happened in this
Or another long-ago life,
To someone not even us
For us on earth’s island fear comes with a shadow
On an x-ray, a six-inch knife, an arm from the right,
A scream in the night.
Wizened wings warp ragged rocks,
A mad flurry of filigreed feathers below, as
Fifty-one screaming gulls levitate.
One pissed-off Cerulean Warbler trilling in mad pursuit, altitude
Above, the back of Eagle.
© Susan Lynn Gesmer
Flying Above Eagle, Cape Rosier, Maine